How has Lady Gaga been represented in the music industry?
Lady Gaga is an enigma (mysterious) which is implied through her appearance and her appearance and how it portrays her. Throughout her videos she makes fun and mocks the rumours that have been made about her. For example in Telephone featuring Beyonce she makes fun of the rumour about her sexuality and how she is bisexual and a man by having a intimate relationship with another female character in the video and she is seen to be more masculine. This is also the case in almost every music video of Lady Gaga's where she has intimate relationships with both men and women and is very touchy with them. As well as this, her sexual orientation is changing in different videos. For example she uses the lyrics "bluffing with my muffin" in order to support the idea of her unknown sexual orientation.
Carrying on from this, she is highly and very sexual in her videos. This is shown through her outfits, where she is almost naked and wears a lot of sexy clothing and is almost a dangerous yet sexual look. She hardly wears clothes in any of her videos and shares a lot of flesh with her audience. Her makeup is also as extreme as her outfits in most of her videos. For example in Telephone her makeup is over the top and very heavy. However in Bad Romance her makeup is simple but very heavy in order to make it look that simple. Overall, her appearance is very sexual and exaggerated, as well as extreme and "freaky". Another example of the idea that she is freaky is her meat dress that she wore to the awards which was taking it to another level and almost shocked the audience. A second example of how extreme she can be is in her video Bad Romance, where in a scene she burns the man in the fire.
On the other hand, in an interview with Barbara Walshes, Lady Gaga almost seemed as normal and the way Barbara Walshes spoke about her almost sounded as if Lady Gaga wasn't as extreme as she is in her videos. This was shown through the way she spoke and presented herself and also her clothing and makeup was all normal. Her body language reflected a young sensible woman.
Lady Gaga also wants to be a minister to marry gay people on stage which also another example of her being a bit extreme and wanting to get her message across to the public.
Why has she been presented this way?
Personally, i think that the reason as to why Lady Gaga has been presented how she is, is because of publicity, fame and fortune which makes a person go mad and do things so extreme. She said in her interview that she has a "passion for music" and also uses her audience as an excuse.
As well as this, her sexual nature attracts people because she is different and so big at her age. She has a extreme approach to the way she gets her message across and implies it through her videos. This mainly attracts young females as they need a female role model and they make look up to and be inspired by Lady Gaga because of who she is and how she gets her messages across. Also because she makes everything look sexy and dangerous throughout the way she dresses and her outfits as well as her hair and makeup. She is almost a fashion icon for young females.
Lady Gaga has also done a photo shoot for Hello Kitty, which is very big in Japan. She makes it more sexy through lingerie. Hello Kitty is mainly popular with kids and teenagers, mainly female. However, her photo shoot is also allowing her to have a broader audience other than just young females who look up to her. She is also influencing young children, teenagers both male and female.
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