Wednesday, 12 January 2011

An Introduction To What I Am Doing & Convention Of Music Videos

This year we have been told that as part of our coursework, which is worth 50% of our grade, we would need to produce a music video, with our own artist. As part of this project we needed to keep an online diary on blogger. This meant we would need to update our blog regularly with what we have done in relation to this project. This included everything we done in class and out. At the start of the year we started off by watching music videos and looking at artists such as lady gaga. This could also be known as part of our research. As part of our research we also carried out questionnaires and analysed the results which will be mentioned later on. Carrying on from this...

Conventions Of Music Videos...

In class we learnt and looked at the different types of music conventions. This included the following:

1) Rapid shot changes- this is the use of many different random shot changes within one minute.

2) Poetic images- this is the use images that are linked to emotions and music, for example in Runaway Love by Mary J Blige ft Ludacris.

3) Imagery- this is the use of images to tell a story.

4) Fairytale story- this is when we have a classic boy meets Hollywood girl story. An example of this would be Love Story by Taylor Swift.

5) Jump cuts- this is when there is a cut between 2 scenes, for example from a scene where a girl is walking by the river to another scene where the boy is playing football.

6) Editing is linked to the music video- this is when the rhythm of the editing is linked to the editing of the music and its beats. This can be seen in The Dukes- Vampire.

7) Creating the spectacular- this is the use of costumes, props. lighting, jewellery, accessories, setting, dancing and choreography etc. This is seen in Britney Spears- Circus.

8) Music videos can create a social message- for example Michael Jackson- Earth Song. This type of convention is there for a purpose and to send out a message or moral to the audience.

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